Thursday, December 13, 2012

Vlogs on my Blog!

Hey time to post some vlogs! Ya I love doing vlogs but they can be a bit of work, editing and rendering but it is fun in the end.

So recently I had a thought while watching TomSka videos before I fell asleep.

And it does come off as bad but I really was just kind of messing around. Of course suicide is not a good thing but it is a serious thought. If you had to write a musical number around you killing yourself it would make the event a whole lot more enjoyable, not to mention the fact that they could then happen at anytime. A flash mob might turn into a mass suicide! Your dad could start singing show tunes and bam!

Next one is a little thought I had about RVT entertainment, formerly Revewtopia. In the end my point seems to have fallen short from just looking at the front page. I fully admit I don't usually think these thoughts through before I turn on the camera and during editing I counted out the videos and t seems pretty balanced counting every video that isn't a vlog or just announcement video. So without further ado, video 2.

Like I said it falls a bit flat but at the same time I thought they meant a little more like "shows" not vlogs or LP's. And like I said in the video I'm a fan of the site, but I'm curious about that would be change they offered. Past that not much new up, waiting to start my new job, spending a lot of time on reddit, I need to add more things to the "Babies-On-Fire" sub reddit. So if you'd be so cool as to check that out that'd be awesome. New PutzCast this week and an X-mas special this month to.

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