Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cooking with Zombifaction

A while back while listening to The Internet Box Podcast featuring people like RoosterTeeth's Michael "RageQuit" Jones, Mike "The White Knife" Kroon, Lindsay "The Spoiler" Tuggey and Ray "The Mexican" Spanish Name among other people talked about Red Baron Pizza and How amazing it was!

Well you can't ignore the opinion of these avengers of entertainment. So I had to give it a shot! And from there I thought I should shoot it. Because, why not? So what follows is my attempt at cooking freezer pizza and keeping myself entertained in the process! Please Enjoy!

I hope you were entertained! If not then check those side bars I added an ad for The PutzCast Store because, why not? I hope you enjoyed the video and if you click that ad, The PutzCast stuff!

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